Intestinal Parasites (pt 2 of 2)

It's a stool sample!

It’s a stool sample!

… read Part 1 first.

Do not allow your pet to drink stagnant water and keep away from environments that are heavily contaminated with feces, such as dog parks. Clean up your pet’s environment on a regular basis to avoid soil contamination. 

Veterinarians recommend regular stool sample screenings, at least once per year for most pets in order to detect parasites as early as possible. If a pet has had chronic parasitic infections or suspicious symptoms have begun, screenings should be every 6 months.

Fecal samples for testing should be fresh, no more than 24 hours old and in an airtight container. Sample size recommended is one (1) gram, which is equivalent to 2 sugar cubes or one medium marble.

One thought on “Intestinal Parasites (pt 2 of 2)

  1. Pingback: Intestinal Parasites (pt 1 of 2) | Winslow Animal Hospital

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